Hoggs Of Fife

Kilted Country Wear®


The House of Carrynette


MidgeMaster Jacket

The Highlands are infamous for their midgies and on those Summer days before and after the sun is up, we've little option to protect ourselves as best we can! The Midgemaster Jacket is perfect for keeping you comfortable, when the Midgies invade!

Do you want to wear your kilt more often? Or you just love to walk in the great outdoors, but you are looking for that particular piece of garment to suit the occassion. You've come to the right place.

For the first time we are combining the traditional Highland Wear with the Country and Outdoor wear of Hoggs of Fife. A highly respected manufacturer of top of the range outdoor garments and footwear. These garment combine seamless with traditional kilts and trews.

Please feel free to browse throught the nice jackets, vests etc. on our site.

As from half December you will find them also in our shop in Leeuwarden.